Entri ni khas untuk sesiapa yang dah lupa camne nk niat PUASA...amaklum r...menda nyer satahun sekali.........aku pun lupe wehhhhhh.........so....pephal....chek this out......
»-(¯`Lafaz Niat Berbuka Puasa´¯)-»
" Yang bermaksud, Ya Allah keranaMu aku berpuasa, dengan Mu aku beriman, kepadaMu aku berserah dan dengan rezekiMu aku berbuka (puasa), dengan rahmat MU, Ya Allah Tuhan Maha Pengasih "
»-(¯`Lafaz Niat Puasa Sebulan´¯)-»
" Yang bermaksud, Sahaja aku berpuasa sebulan pada bulan Ramadan bagi tahun ini kerana Allah Taala "
»-(¯`Lafaz Niat Puasa Harian´¯)-»
" Yang bermaksud, Sahaja aku berpuasa esok hari untuk menunaikan fardhu puasa pada bulan Ramadan bagi tahun ini kerana Allah Taala"
Okey....maybe ni En3 last tuk bulan Ogos neh.................................puase ni...bnyk masa...maybe blogging sampai lebam kot.......huhu...so...pepehal....nantikan nyer.......
Kenapa -(•÷[kUciNg]÷•)- ngeh2......entri kali ni....adalah satu jawapan atau macam salah satu jln alternatif la tuk aku bg jwapan pada soalan2 yg org duk pm2 aku....(walaupun PM box close...aku ttap ley bace ape yg diorg ckp...selain dari asl pls yg bg aku camdoh tu.....msti ade prg tnye aku...suka -(•÷[kUciNg]÷•)- ke??bnyk da org tnye.....huhu...tp aku blum bersedia nk bg jwpan yg btul2 full package atau pun jwpn yg lngkap)
Tp...entri kali ni bukanlah aku nk beri jawapan sal2 soklan2 yg korg selalu bg tu.....cume aku nk kongsi bout my beloved frens in da hole worlddddddd!!diorg la yg selalu bg aku the truth meaning bout frenship....sebelum ni aku tamo kongsi ngan korang...sebab aku x nk over expose kan diorg ni.....mane la tau..tibe2 aura -(•÷[kUciNg]÷•)- melanda secara tiba2..ataupun jd market killer lepastu
Okey......1st -(•÷[kUciNg]÷•)- yg aku nk expose adalah........................
Korg tgok.....blum pape lg da di'market'kan -(•÷[kUciNg]÷•)-aku ni.... yg nilah yg palingggg aku sayang....bkn sebab kehenseman dia yg sering kali menambat hati ni...tp...sentimental value yg ade dlm dirinya....-(•÷[kUciNg]÷•)- ni...arwah UMI (besfren mak aku..mrgkap mak angkat aku)sebelum dia meninggal....dia hadiahkan-(•÷[kUciNg]÷•)- ni pada aku....
korg nk tau...mak aku penah buang dia ni tau...kt TC(teluk Chempedak) belive it or not...!!dia balik semula...aku x tau r dia jln kaki ke.....tumpang org ke...naik teksi ke....book flight ke...Allah Hu Allam...family aku semu x ksah dia ni ade ke tak.....tp..bg aku...dia balik semula...sebab dia tahu.....AKU SAYANG DIA...... .
Tgok nama pun dah tau mesti dia ni Heroin kepada abg gantang kat atas tu.....ye la...arwah umi aku bg sepasang...laki bini.....tp..laki bini pun...tiap kali beranok...msti seko pun dop ikut rupe paras hensem...kekeliruan dan kekonfiusan aku seketika.... ni r anak2 dia.....skg da beso dahhhhh....cume pic jer xdek......(psttttt:ade gaya hensem tak) erkkkk!!
Tu dia....dia ni kalo bergambar mmg relax sket.....hehe...tua dah dia ni....bpe thun ekk......masa abg aku ting 3 ke 4.....abg aku kutip kt mane tah.....skg abg aku dah kawen...ade ank nk msuk 2 dah.....ngeh2...da tua n da dop berdaya dah.....dia ni pnh jd hero dlm rumah ni...pnh lwan ngan ular tedung yg x malu msuk umah..x jemput pun main msuk je.....Tgok kt sni...dah tau...bertapa berjasanya-(•÷[kUciNg]÷•)- ni pada aku dan family aku... sayammmmm bangatttt sama kamoooooo...!! .
»-(¯`MAIKEL´¯)-»Comel kan dia.......ni la satu2nyer-(•÷[kUciNg]÷•)- yg seringkali menambat hatiku......tp...x bape nk geng sgt....sebab dia ni jarang ade kt umah...blik time mkan jerrrrrr!!!!!(tgok bdan da tau kan)dia ni jugak kucing kesayangan mak aku.............kalo time mak aku bg mkn...dia ni siap duk dlm tutupsaji(penutup mkanan tu) lg.......x bagi-(•÷[kUciNg]÷•)- lain klepet mknan -(•÷[kUciNg]÷•)- dia..... .
whaaaaaaaaa......aweks yg paling cun dalam umah ni.......tahap Miss Universe ni tau......-(•÷[kUciNg]÷•)-kesayangan aku gak ni........tido sesame sokmo...nama dia ni pun...sempena dengan lagu Because Of You ngan Behind this Hazel eyes tgh topppppp dan meletup mase tu!!dia ni lembut ngat...suke jerit2...kalo org kacau dia...mmg menjerit2 la......pgil aku r maknenyer tu...biasenyer afiQ(adik aku) r yg biasenyer wat serabut ngan bolok dia kt-(•÷[kUciNg]÷•)-kesayangan aku ni.....dapat penampo dua tiga das...baru x kaco dah .
»-(¯`RIBY´¯)-» kecikkk je dia....antra -(•÷[kUciNg]÷•)-2 yg terbantut kt malaysia ni...hehe...nmpok jer mcm ni....tp jande anok 3 dah ni.......wawawa.....korang pernah layan cerita Aku Telah Jatuh Cinta x...yg heroin dia Agnes Monica a.k.a Riby tu...haaaa......msti da dpt tau dr mane aku dapat nama dia ni......wink2
cun gak kan aweks ni....tp belagak sket....demand yg amat.......!!kalau org nak main ngan dia...laju jer msuk bilik...kononyer bukan taraf dia la kite ni....wtf!!hehe......tgok....camne aku x kata-(•÷[kUciNg]÷•)-ni pun mcm manusia.......yg cantik2 semua dididik tuk jd deman ngan haigh taste...yg huduh plop....ah...x sngup aku nk abiskan ayat ni........ tp tetap-(•÷[kUciNg]÷•)- aku....sayang tetap sayang....name dia pun cm demand2 sket kan...erk!!(bkn aku bg....abg aku...)hehe
hik2...comel tau dia ni...adesss..indu plop nk g main...(break jap ah) sambung blik : nama dia ni sempena bdn dai yg tompok2 cm bola tu....huhu..lgpun...dia ni aktif tau...nk tgkp pic dia ni...punye r susah.....!!ni pun...lepas da penat main...baru r reti penat...duk diam2.......comelll tau dai ni....emmmm...(break lg skali r)
dia ni adik bradik ngan si sport tu.......huhu...comel gak dia ni.......nalak n lincah..........adessss...indu gop nk g main ni........brb jap r....
abaikan sport tu ekk...pic dia ni sensorg tadop plop......hehe...xpe..nanti kakak ambil pic drift sensorg ekk..name dia ni drift sempena ngan dia ni suke sgt lari laju2 pastu break mngejut...hehe..........sian mucuk2 kakak ni.......comel gak dia ni....adess...indunyer....(brb balik r)sayammmmm...tgu kakak .
»-(¯`CADBURY's FAMILY´¯)-»
sweetttt family......mak dia tu name cadbury....anak2 dia r tu....yg wane putih tu...kutip tepi jalan...siannnn...mak tadop...boh tadop....tp...cadbury layan budak tu macam anak sndri jer....ank2 kandung cadbury pun oraittt jer main ngan yg putih tu....malu r kt manusia yg wat prgai mcm bwg putih bwg merah tu....wtf..!! .
»-(¯`SHINBEI´¯)-» hik2......comel dop......br pas rendam klorok-(•÷[kUciNg]÷•)- ni.......huhu.........baik jer dak ni....(anak sapa la ni)lg satu...dia ni cm agresif skit...suke lari2...pastu gesel2 kt kaki org...huhu....x penah penat pun dia ni......ambik pic ni pun..mase dia tgh tido......(syhhh....biarkan dia tido...jgn kaco...terajang kang)
cam piret x...sian...cacat..mata sebelah jer...isk2...n nk tau.....-(•÷[kUciNg]÷•)- ni ayah aku kutip lepas kena langgor kreta....mase tu dia pregnant tau.....mlm kena langgar....esoknye dia keguguran.....sian sgt!!aku ni xpyh ckp r...bengkok2 mate nangis.............wuaaaaaa.............. .
....Entri kali ni nk bagi balasan kat sek kuca aku...MIZALOVA...ngeh2....katanya dalam post nyer...10 KELEBIHAN TIADA KEKASIH(aku bukan nk menidakkan pendapatnye..cume aku ingin berkongsi2 pendapat) kan MIZA kan...ngeh2...bkn kah blog salah satu tempat tuk kite berkongsi2 pendapat.....
1. Kata miza...Jimat Masa - kata aku pulak...dari kite bnyk mase...bazir cmtu jer....pe salahnyer kalo g detim ngan yg tersayang...best pe.......
2. kata Miza...Dapat Tido lena -selama aku hidup ni...xpernah lg aku dngar kate org dop ley tido sebab ade pkwe/makwe...sumpah weh...hehe...kalo ade yg ckp pun..g mam*** la...PENIPU...!!
3.Kata Miza....tak perlu risau kalau tiada miskol -erk..!!yg ni ade kekeliruan skit....adakah aku yg x phm bahase atau miza yg dop reti berbahasa...jp2...aku fahami ayat ni jap...ngeh2...aku rase r....ni msti kalo rindu men mskol2 jer ni.....baler r
4. kata miza....tak perlu risau nak mekap kalau x cantik - Apa kejadah nyer semua ini....kalau ade kekasih...msti kena makeup ke.....kalo xdek...xyah.....buley x sape2 bitau aku pe kaitan makeup ngan kekasih
5.kata miza....boleh mkan kat mana2 restoran -kt sni aku dah nmpak....miza demand wessssssss
6. kata miza...tiada lagi messege boring tgh malam -kate aku lak...boring ker.......ngeh2
7. kata miza... boleh cakap ngan mane2 lelaki -erk....yg ni mule2 aku fkir betul tau...tp..biler fkir2 blik......kalo ade kekasih...dats mean mmg xley ckp ngan boy lain ke ha.....adehh.....
8. kata miza...tiada lagi nasihat2 yg menyakitkan telinga.... wehhh...bukan ke mnda yg baik ni...adehhh....ngeh2....miza2.....mnda baik la dia xnk.....x reti la aku nk ckp pe
9. kata miza...boleh pergi kemana hatta dgn sesiapa pun.... adehhh........sesunguhnyer kekasih ni bukan la sape2 yg berhak halang kite nk pergi mane2.....
10. kata miza...x perlu dengar lawak bodoh... hehe...aku tau..mmg da kebiasaan nyer...kalo point last skli..mmg ngrut...
abisss dah.......haha...to mizalova...aku benonyer nk test --IKON--> jer wehhhh...tadop niat nk lawan2 ckp ko...sesungguhnyer...ape yg ko ckp tu betuuulllllll............................
Okey....tak dinafikan yg [C][A][T]da lame x update blog ni...bkn busy...bukan jugak sakit ...Allhamdulillah...sihat sampai skg....salah satu faktor yg dikenal pasti..mungkin r...just kemungkinan ye....penyakit ..just kemungkinan yer...jgn salah sangka atau fikir yg bukan2 .....selepas terkesima seketika selepas baca kata2 BLISS yg bertanyakan mana post[C][A][T] siap sound lgik[C][A][T] ni sibuk PM ngan awek2 cantik..tidakkkkkkk
[C][A][T]bukan seorang lesbian tegar..tidak same sekali .. [C][A][T]sudah bersyukur dilahirkan sebagai perempuan..kalo PM ngan BLISS tu..btullllhehe...rahsia kite okey2...entri kali ni[C][A][T] nk cerita pasal 1 rancangan feverat [C][A][T]eh..1 ke..adeiii.....tatabahasa failed la...huhu..anyway nk cerita pasal cerita ni yg dari dulu lagik
[C][A][T]minat..suka bangat!!mmg dari dulu x penah miss..kalo miss pun..syukur la..selalu ade ulangan...x la kecewa sgt kalo miss...rancangan ni bertajuk..rancangan ni ade 3 episod..eh..episod ke...haish..susah tul kalo Lisan BM x pass ni...cm 3 segmen r..terdiri daripada CSI LAs Vegas,CSI in New York dan CSI in Miami..huhu..best wo!kalo ade Blogger yg minat gak cerita ni..korang pun mesti tau kat mane best dan kt mane uniknyer cerita ni..tp,onestly mmg best r!!cerita nilah yg satu ketika dulu wat [C][A][T]semangat sgt skor paper sains..konon nk pro r bab2 kimia..bio ni..etc..tp nk wat mcm mane..soklan peksa susah sgt..subjek sejarah jugak la yg jd pilihan [C][A][T]sebab senang..cita2 pun bertukar nk jd lawyer....tp..tu dulu r..masa kecik2..skg..pas je SPM.......jauh dah dri topik sebenar ni... sokmo melencongmelencong plk..dekat2 xpe..ni jauh skmo...NESLOnk kejo pun xdpt silap2berbaliklah pada ceritera[C][A][T] sakni yer... kalo kome semua layan cerita ni kat Astro Chanel AXN (701) kome semua akan puas hati sgt!sebab cerita ni 3 kali sekaligus..selama 3 jam r
[CAT] x berganjak depan tv..sape yang tibe2 dtg sengih2..tukar2 chanel dgn selamba jer...tau r1st scene dia adalah dr Crime Scene Investigation kt Vegas..dan lg 1..kalau kome prasan..setiap scene terdapat leader masing2(satu yg xbestnyer leader diaorg ni lsung x hensem...bukan takat leader je r weh..anak2 buah pun terjebak sekali)tu bermakna..
[C][A][T]bukan lah menilai sesuatu dr paras rupa je
ha........tu dia,,tu br starting tu...hehe.. (xclear lak pic ni..sory2)[C][A][T]jugak akan kenalkan pade kome semua actor2 dalam cerita ni..excitednyerrrrrr macam diberi satu tanggung jwab yg besar je nk perkenalkan malaun2 ni pade kome semua..kalau rase entri kali ini agak bosan dan memboringkan jiwa rage kome semua..serta merta - yerrr....!!
Gil grissom
Tinggi: 5'10"
Berat: 168 lbs.
Tempat Lahir: Santa Monica, CA Tarikh Lahir: 8/17/56
Pendidikan: B.S. in Biology, UCLA
Kelebihan: Entomology
Status: Bujang
NI dalam segmen ni...hehe..dia ni kalo korg tgok...siyes au..nk senyum pun susah!xtau r..mungkin mase kecik2 dulu ade penderaan mental yg kite x tau....biar r..dia ni jugak la tempat anak2 buah dia wat rujukan
n sebarang masalah...kadang2 jugak dia lah yg menyelesaikan sesuatu scene yg ade...kadang2 je r....ni ade r skit buah tgn dr [C][A][T]tuk kome semua..
CSI Level: Coroner
Date of Birth: 1/19/52
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 179 lbs.
Place of Birth:Church Falls, VA Marital Stats: MarriedEducation: M.S. in Biological Chemistry, University of Virginia; M.D./Ph. D. in Physiology,JohnsHopkinsUniversity
CSI Level: Homicide Detective, Las Vegas P.D.
Date of Birth: 1/3/53
Height: 5"9
Weight: 163 lbs.
Place of Birth: Newark, NJ Marital Stats: Divoriced
Background:Brass spent 20yrs working his way up to homicide detective in New Jersey. he transferred out of homicide and out of new jersey 10 yrs ago and came out to Las Vegas. he eventually came to run csi department, more as an administrator then as an investigator.
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 107 lbs
Place of Birth: Tamales Bay, California Date of Birth: 9/16/71
Education: B.S. in Physics, Harvard
Special Skills: Materials and element analysis
Marital Status: Single
Background:Attended graduate school in theoretical physics. Worked in the San Francisco coroner’s office for five years, then transferred to the San Francisco crime lab before being contracted by Gil Grissom to come to Las Vegas.
CSI Level: Lab Technician/CSI In-Training
Date of Birth: 5/7/75
Height: 5'10 1/2"
Weight: 155 lbs.
Place of Birth: San Gabriel, CA Marital Stats: Single
Education: B.S. Chemistry, UC Berkeley
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 104 lbs.
Place of Birth: Bozeman, MT
Date of Birth: 3/26/63
Education: B.S. in Medical Technology, UNLV
Special Skills: Blood Spatter Analysis
Marital Status: Divoriced
Background:Willows worked as an exotic dancer on the Strip in her early 20s while going to college. A young filed services officer named Grissom recruited her to work at the lab. She started as an assistant technician and has worked her way up over a decade to become a CSI Level Three
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 155 lbs.
Place of Birth: Dallas, TX Date of Birth: 8/18/71
Education: B.S. in Criminal Justice, RiceUniversity Special Skills: Hair and Fiber Analysis
Martial Status: Single
Background:Spent his first three years out of college on the Dallas police force, then transferred to the Dallas crime lab, spending one year as CSI Level One before transferring to Las Vegas
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Place of Birth: Las Vegas, NV Date of Birth: 10/10/70
Education: B.S. in Chemistry, UNLV
Special Skills: Audio/Visual Analysis
Marital Status: Married
Background:Worked as a casino runner throughout his teenage years. He put himself through college working as a taxi driver, a bell captain at the Sahara, selling helicopter rides over the Grand Canyon, and a grave digger before finding his way to the LVPD and CSI.
Ha..tu dia....bila dah ade leader..mestila nk kena ade anak buah (kuli)bahasa kasar..hehe...kerja anak2 buah ni ikut arahan dr leader..tu sudah semestinyer r...selain tu..diorg jugaklah kebiasaannya pergi crime scene investigate pe2 yg patut..mencabar wess..jgn memain..tapi..yang syoknyer cerita ni.....x pernah lagi ade kes yang x dapat diselesaikan...
(selama[C][A][T] bergelumang dalam lembah rancangan CSI ni r)baguskan...tapi..x dapat nk salute or respek lagi r..sebab ni semua lakonan semata2 jer....logik tak logik..deme ni ley jumpe sebijik permata besor taik idung jer kat hall yg besarnye mmg x ingat!!x masuk akal lansung!!Kebanyakan cerita ni banyak mengetengahkan aspek 'kebetulan'...siot tul...tp...pepepun..tetap !!selepas habis jer cerita ni [C][A][T]ade mase 15 minit tuk g minum ke...kedaroh kecetim ngan EPE ensem jap kehehe...pastu..muncullah satu lagi scene yang perlu diselesaikan...iaitu dirancangan CSI in New York...... Tu dia...segmen New York pulak..ngeh2dlm ni ade sorg pakwe ensem.....kuikui...nti [C][A][T]tnjuk
Detective Mac Taylor heads the New York Crime Lab, conducting investigations according to Veneziano's theory of quantum physics: everything is connected. Originally from Chicago, Mac served his country as a decorated Marine Corps Officer. Because of the heroism he demonstrated during his military career, Mac succeeded in earning a spot amongst New York City's finest. Ascending through the ranks of the NYPD, he ultimately found a home in the crime scene investigation division. As one of the world's foremost Criminalists, Mac grapples not with the how, but also the why. At the same time, he struggles to bring order to his own fractured personal narrative, caused by the death of his own wife three years ago.
Macam [C][A][T]ckp tdik r..setiap scene ade leader dia...ha..ni yg smart ni leader bg CSI in New York....x ensem...tp smart kan...kalo kome tngok lakonan dia plak...perh..sguh sempoi dan bersahaja
Detective Danny Messer brings his Staten Island roots to the New York City Crime Lab. Growing up in a family under surveillance, Danny formulated his own set of hybrid ethics, blending the world of law-breakers with the world of lawmakers. Mac personally selected Danny to join his team, an
honor and responsibility that Danny attempts to live up to every day.
Detective Don Flack knows the streets of New York. Yonkers-bred, desc
ended from a long line of police officers, Detective Flack never questioned his future. Working closely with MacTaylor and his unit, Detective Flack bridges the gap between the old-school NYPD and the new generation of CSI Carrying with him an intense hatred of the “bad guy”, his approach to solving crimes, while sometimes borderline, is nonetheless always effectivea
Acam...ensem dop...adussss...besornyeee godaan ni.
Lindsay Monroe worked as a CSI for three years in Montana and finally realized her
dream of moving to a big city like New York. Her Midwestern work ethic and willingness to roll up her sleeves
and tackle any job is a welcome addition to theteam where she is quickly put through rookie training by Mac an their first case. Excited and always willing to learn, rarely hinting at the dark and devastating secret that originally motivated her to dedicate her life to being a CSI
Tak dapat detect lak detail dia 2 org ni..haish...baru nk glemerkan kaorg tau taknk wat cmne...tadop rezeki org kabo...tp...actor2 yg diisikkan ni..diorg mmg org kuat dalam scene2 tertentu.....kalo tak pomot kt sni sekalipun...org mmg dah kenal dah.....
Okey...scene last....In .....perh...hangattttttttttsame jugak la scene sebelumnye...ade leader yg da season...cume smart dia je yg wat [C][A][T]tak lupe kt muke dia ni...
CSI Level: 3
Height: 6'
Weight: 180 lbs.
Place of Birth: Miami, FL Date of Birth: 4/7/60
Education: B.S. in Chemistry, FloridaStateUniversity
Special Skills: Arason,
Marital Status: Divoriced
Raised in the 1960's in Miami, by age 16 Caine had experienced a lifetime: Civil Rights marches, Cuban freedom fights, violent race riots, and the rise of drug culture.
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 105 lbs.
Place of Birth: Darnell, LA Date of Birth: 2/28/74
Education: B.S. in Physics Tulane Univ.
Special Skills: Ballistics, Firearms & Tollmarks, Fluent Spanish
Marital Status: Single
Calleigh Duquesne was born in rural Louisiana in a "shotgun" shack not long after her parents' shotgun wedding. Hermother came from a proud family with a wealthy name that lost the wealth generations ago. Her father was a dashing young lawyer, working as a public defender. Unfortunately, it was not a match made in heaven.
Date of Birth: 8/13/60
Education: B.S. in Chemistry Nw YorkUniversity; M.D.RutgersUniversity Specail Skills: Medical Doctor
Marital Status: Married
The first of six children, Woods watched over her four brothers and sister. Her parents worked long hours and numerous jobs trying to keep the family above poverty. Such a duty ruined any chance for a social life, but that was of no consequence to her: all the friends she needed were under one roof.
CSI Level: 1
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Place of Birth: Miami, FL Date of Birth: 12/19/76
Education: B.S. in ChemistryUniversity of Miami Special Skills: Fingerprints, Drug Identification, Fluent Spanish
Marital Status: Single
Eric Delko's father, Pavel Delektorsky, was a Russian engineer sent to Cuba in the early 1970s. There he met and married a young Cuban woman, Clorinda, with whom he had three daughters when he discovered his next child w
as a boy. Wanting more for his future son, Delektorsky took a chance and smuggled his family across the Straits
of Florida
As the first responding officer at the scene of a bus crash, Patrol Office Ryan Wolfe impressed Horatio Canie enough to earn himself a chance to work with CSI. Benefiting from luck and timing, Wolfe was able to get his feet wet on a case very close to home, involving Calleigh Duquesne’s father, who is a suspect in a possible vehicular homicide. Wolfe immediately made it known that he is more interested in uncovering the truth than proving himself and by using
traits already inherent in his character – intelligence, drive and sense of curiosity – he was able to put scientific knowledge into context and solve his first case. As a new CSI, Wolfe will not only have to prove he can do the job, he will also have to hill a spot once held by Tim Speedle, whose untimely death has rattled the tight-knit CSI team.
Alhamdulillah............setelah penat buat mnde alah ni...siap pun.............kite jumpe entri lenkali pulak yerk.....bile tu....errrrrrtak tahu la lgi...hehe.....pepehal nantikan entri terbaru akan datang...da...penat daaaaaa..........jumpe lagi yer..............